Liverpool Giants and Sheeple

Don Woods show

Summary: Watching the reaction from the American women to the alleged rape charge aimed at Brett Kavanaugh makes you despair for the human race....the "victim" can't remember where the "rape" took or when or at what time or even ..... and it was 36 years ago.....Donald Trump mocked the whole thing in a strikes me that all the sheep want is ANY excuse to vent their really has nothing to do with the so called rape victim.....they just make complete fools of is no different in this country .....I thought we were supposed to have moved on from witch hunting in the middle ages....obviously not...I think we are going backwards......and another thing that puzzles me is the violence against the likes of the fire brigade.....they are being stoned by neanderthals as they attempt put fires's beyond me. We have had the French Giants locally as they make their last appearance ever.....these massive puppets are very impressive and they have been featured in Liverpool and Wirral......roads have been closed off and even altered to cater for the event which has cost around 4 million pounds.....all very nice but aren't we having to make cuts to the police etc?.....and I'm sure the homeless guy in the shop doorway with his blanket is very impressed.....4 million?....I would like to see the breakdown on that amount....someone will be coining it in........and as always we get "it will bring a lot of money into the area"....I find that very debatable.....and even if it does it won't go into MY pocket. 3.I am not a fan of space travel but I must say I do like Tim Peake who is now a celebrity spaceman....he was on TV talking about his exploits in space and he goes round the schools and gives talks which the kids obviously enjoy.....however again I see no massive advantage gained from the money spent on space travel....I think we need to get thing sorted on this planet before we go elsewhere....the massive problems of the poor people caught up in earthquakes and floods could be solved with the money spent on a couple of spaceships....or have I got it wrong.......mind you how cool would it be when asked what your job is to say "I'm an astronaught"........or...."I work in a bank...what do you do?"...."I'm a JET pilot" or what. 4.There has been a bit of trouble wit Strictly Come of the contestants was seen kissing his dancing partner outside a pub and his girlfriend was very upset...shock horror....I always wonder what it must be like being in extremely close proximity to a very beautiful young lady for 8 hours a day week after week ...unless you were gay it would have to seriously affect you....we should be so lucky...................Another anecdote from the world of gigging involves a bloke coming up to the stage and asking us to play a bit of rock and roll and get everyone in a circle on the dance floor as Frank and Annie are going to give a jiving I announce this and go into rock around the clock.....spinning into the circle come the two rockers....he slips and goes flat on his back and catapults her headfirst on to the solid wooden floor....they are then straight up and carry on as if nothing has happened.....I had to carry on singing and avoid bursting out laughing....which wasn't easy with a drummer guffawing behind me at the back out of sight....another time at a very formal masonic function....I asked the worshipful master to take to the floor with his good lady for the opening we hit the first note there was a crash behind me...when I looked round the drummer was returning from a back summersault after his stool had collapsed.....he then sorts out the problem and begins singing Moon River.....the bass player and myself were helpless with laughter along with most of the crowd....but he sang the song right through as if nothing had's a dream come true Simon. 5.The song this week was the first record I produced when I formed my record