014 - Intro to podcasting

Writer and Geek Show show

Summary: <h3 id="how-we-started">How we started</h3> <p>Our podcasting journey started few months back with the launch of Writer &amp; Geek Show. In this episode we discuss on how we started podcasting and how you can start one too. We also talk about the advantages of having a podcast.</p> <p>{<a href="#t=00:04:15">04:15</a>} Vishnu started listening to podcasts back in 2014 starting with <a href="http://shoptalkshow.com/" target="blank">Shop Talk Show</a>. Somewhere in 2015 he started a podcast without having a clue as to what the podcast should be all about. Without any good recording setup, he created episodes using his iPad and hosted the mp3 files on Google Drive.</p> <p>{<a href="#t=00:08:52">08:52</a>} Interest in podcasts was revived and we decided to start a show. We discuss science, tech and history most of the times, so we decided to put it online for an audience to listen. Motivated to create, we upgraded our podcasting equipment as well. Started with just one USB condenser microphone. Now we have a complete setup with dynamic mics, mixer, headphones etc.</p> <p>{<a href="#t=00:13:00">13:00</a>} Motivation is to have these conversations and learn as we produce episodes. Shankar writes at <a href="http://ramblingjoint.com" target="blank">Rambling Joint</a>. WHich serves as an inspiration for the podcast research and vice versa.</p> <p>The discussion then moves on to the Writer &amp; Geek Show and how we started it.</p> <p>Image: <a href="https://pixabay.com/en/microphone-keyboard-podcast-2469292/" target="blank">Pixabay</a></p>