とべとべくさ: Episode 18

Kyotopia show

Summary: Today’s episode I talk with Asakusa’s local eccentric, Ito Takashi a.k.a. tobetobekusa. At his gallery and shop just outside of Tawaramachi station he teaches me about the subtle concepts behind some traditional Japanese arts (especially pottery) as we share a cup of coffee. Please check out his links to see some of the examples we talk about! とべとべくさ: Website: http://tobetobe-kusa.jp/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tobetobekusa/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/tobetobekusa へたれ外人: Twitter:  
www.twitter.com/bananafishyt Facebook:
 www.facebook.com/bananafishYT/ Instagram: 
www.instagram.com/wimsymiffler/ Today's music is “ズレる” by Mass of Fermenting Dregs