Ep. 40 | Interview with The Courage Giver, RJ Jackson

Business Podcast for Corporateneurs show

Summary: “Authentic, Courageous, Intentional”, are words that best describe RJ Jackson. Besides being a Daddy’s girl, she is a mother and grandmother who enjoy encouraging people to live life on purpose. Known as The Courage Giver, her message, “You don’t have to die where you’re living and you don’t have to live where you’re dying” is one designed by God to inspire and transform. Her story is a testament to the benefits of having the courage to say yes to God. Diagnosed with a rare eye condition, RJ chooses to focus not on what she cannot see, but on the sightless vision of hope and possibility most individuals miss. RJ has traveled the world for over 20 years inspiring audiences of up to 8000 people with speakers such as Les Brown, Zig Ziggler, Dottie Walters, and Pastor Dan Carroll. She has conducted over 7000 workshops, training sessions, and keynote addresses worldwide including Bermuda, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Barbados, and Jamaica. More importantly, she unsparingly lives life on purpose through missions to Cambodia, Haiti, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, and Thailand. RJ has earned her Masters in Practical Theology from The Kings College & Seminary and is currently pursuing her Doctorial Degree. Awarded with accolades such as “Visionary of the Year,” “Leader of Distinction,” “Trailblazer of the Year,” and RJ Jackson Day on June 24th in Buffalo, New York, RJ humbly acknowledges that it is not because of what she has done; rather, it is because of God and His Amazing, Redeeming, & Sufficient Grace! After RJ encourages our hearts, she is available to autograph her books, and speak with you personally about speaking at your next meeting or with you personally. Please help me welcome - RJ Jackson - The Courage Giver. RJ Jackson Website http://thecouragegiver.com/ RJ Jackson Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thecouragegiver/ RJ Jackson LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/rjjacksonthecouragegiver/