52: Bridging the Gap to Your Desires

From the Center with Debra & Dr. Rob: Success for Women | Purpose | Spirituality | Relationships show

Summary: Have you ever felt like your dreams are too far away? Do you look toward the future and wonder when things are going to work out for you?<br> In this episode, we explain the true reality that creates your life. There is a GAP between where you are and where you want to be but most people think it is external. I have to do certain things, spend some time creating and then I can create the life I want. To create a successful business I have to put up a website, network, do some marketing, talk to people and get clients and then I can achieve success. Or, if you are searching for love you may think you have to put yourself out there, act correctly according to the rules and then you will be able to “manifest” that relationship. While it seems logical, this thinking is for ordinary people who see the world as a material universe. Listen to us explain the real nature of reality and how to bridge the GAP internally to create the life you want.<br> Episode 52: Bridging the Gap to Your Desires<br> Interested in being trained as a <a href="http://jungianlifecoach.com/">Certified Jungian Life Coach</a>? Next class begins soon, apply today to get a free consultation with Debi Maldonado and see if this is a good fit for you! http://JungianLifeCoach.com<br> Join us in our <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/DebiandDrRobShowPodcast/">Facebook Group – Debi and Dr. Rob Show here</a><br> Subscribe to us on iTunes, Google Play and now on Spotify!<br>  <br>