Loregoyfs Episode 63: Ravnica Release

The Loregoyfs show

Summary: No Magic Story this week. No justice in this world, but at least Vraska gets vengeance on Ravnica. Hang out with the ‘Goyfs and talk about GRN story cards, more flavor wins, and prerelease play. Shoutout to Michelle’s cats pushing everything over, and thank you to Yosh for editing out most of their ruckus. Put a few gold coins in Michelle’s Chalice: https://thechalice.causevox.com/michelle-rapp Give the ‘Goyfs +1/+1 by using their affiliate link on Card Kingdom: www.CardKingdom.com/loregoyfs And become a ‘Goyf on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Loregoyfs