S4 E6: Know Your Body

The On-Call Room: A Grey's Anatomy Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to another episode of The On Call Room! This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it is important for everyone to remember to do their self breast examinations! Link at the bottom explaining step by step how you perform one. Remember this simple monthly act can save your life! Most of the feels this episode come from Bird Man. Every time Abbey and Bri watch this story line, they both feel very sad. Izzie's inappropriate attention to patient's personal lives actually benefits her in this episode. She is able to help Bird Man feel calm during his surgery, as everyone is watching over him like hawks. After a tough day in surgery, and only shaving one leg Izzie has a breakdown. She pushes back sex with George for another night. This love story is panning out to be PRETTY pathetic. Cristina is shrinking Meredith while also "taking care of her". The true love story reigns again. Oh and the episode ends with Lexie and Karev having sex, and Mer walking in on it...yikes. SELF BREAST EXAM -- http://maurerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/maurer_bse_flier_v4.pdf https://www.google.com/search?lei=EnCyW6iGIciPjwSL25OgBg&q=breast%20self%20examination%20pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjrgqL19-XdAhWr1IMKHSAcBtMQsKwBCAIoAA&biw=1920&bih=938 (FIRST PDF LINK, PRINTABLE) http://www.nalie.ca/feel-it-on-the-first/# SPONSORS: www.thisisaday.com Use code OnCallRoomxADAY for 20% off your first order! DO IT! Donate TODAY and receive bonus episodes AND the opportunity to cohost with Abbey and Bri! Visit: www.patreon.com/theoncallroom Also leave a review -- you're already on the page to do it!