87: Photography Podcast 101 from South Africa to New Zealand

EATT Magazine Your Travel Podcast App show

Summary: Join us on our Photography Podcast 101 from South Africa to Queenstown and Auckland with Peter Withiel from Lambda Photography and Cullen from EATT Magazine.<br> <br> See the all of the images for this podcast now by clicking on the link <br> podcast image link https://eattmag.com/photography-podcast-101/<br> Come with us on this very experimental episode of our Photography Podcast 101 where we're going to ask you to really come on a journey.<br> <br> Looking and listening at the same time so you can really get in here with us and see what we're talking about, so if you can click in the link https://eattmag.com/photography-podcast-101/ from your phone or  iPad, tablet desktop or any device, if you've got your computer and come on in and see the images on the website as we go through this photographic tour https://eattmag.com/photography-podcast-101/<br> <br> I'm here with Peter Withiel.<br> <br> Peter has been photographing on and off for Silicon Beach, https://siliconbeachoz.net which is another podcast I do in the startup arena, here, in Melbourne. You've been photographing with us I guess on enough, I suppose for the last sort of six to nine months.<br> In our Photography Podcast 101 we thought it was a great opportunity to share with our listeners some of your photographic philosophy Peter.<br> So this image that we're looking at now is called the view of table mountain from Robben Island.<br> <br> <br> <br> Anybody that goes to cape town who has the slightest bit of interest in history, should really take a trip to Robben Island where Nelson Mandela and all of his other friends were in prison for all that time during those years in South Africa.<br> <br> But now you can go there and it's a really good tour and this gives you a view of table mountain from the toilets on Robin Island. So it's a stunning view from that past in history.<br> Cape Town sits under table mountain. <br> Peter uses an entry level full frame camera that's not a full professional camera, but its the first entry level full frame camera.<br> <br> I've got the Canon 70 to 200 F, 2.8 <br> <br> Onto the next image<br> <br> Aquilla Game Reserve on the Waste Cape.<br> <br> <br> <br> That's the milky way looking up with the cottages in the foreground, within the Aquilla game reserve. <br> <br> This is using the wide-angle zoom lens that's a 16 to 35 millimeter.<br> With the shutter speed at about 30 seconds<br>  So this, there's a lot of light in the foreground and Peter has to be to be very careful not to blow out the whole photograph. as it was pitch black. And so the image was produced by working around with the exposure and the put it into Lightroom with a neutral density filter to pull back the brightness just enough to keep the integrity of the image.<br> <br> Durban<br> <br> <br> A Durban sunrise at Umhlanga Pier this is in Durban at sunrise<br> This is with a long shutter speed with, perhaps the neutral density filter on, and the shutter speed is probably something like two minutes.<br> <br> This is where the zoom with a wide angle again, so it will be an f 22. I'm on bulb mode.<br> <br> In bulb mode, you can leave the shutter open as long as you want to and so it's at about a two-minute shutter speed.<br> <br> A frosty morning for two white Rhinos sleeping on the warm straw close and staying warm <br> <br> <br> <br> White Rhinos at Aquila Game ReserveThis was a very, very cold morning. It was about minus two. So they were huddled together for warmth I suppose, but there's quite a sad story to the rhinos. Last year they had one of them poached. And so now they've got a herd of about six or eight right now.<br> <br> These are white rhinos where you can see with the flat mouth. <br> Black Rhinos are quite aggressive.