Fire Awareness with A Family Affair on PBN

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Fire Awareness! Host: Jordan "A Family Affair" American Preppers Radio aka Prepper Broadcasting!  Saturdays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt P.B.N. Live Listen and Chat go HERE!  Fire safety is something that we and our children learned or are currently learning in school. Stop, Drop and Roll. A simple phrase that we all remember. What to do if the house catches on fire. Know where all the exits are. Stay low to minimize smoke inhalation. But not this show, we will be discussing fires outside the home. So, what do Farmers or land owners need to know for a control burn, or field prep. Do you know how easy it is for a fire to actually get out of hand. Even the smallest plot or field area can easily get out of hand and away from you. But how do you prevent or minimize an out of control burn... Read More! Visit in our chat room HERE! Tags: Prepping Up with the Jones, Prepper Broadcasting