Who you know Connections with The Next Generation on PBN

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Who you know Connections! The Next Generation on Prepper Broadcasting aka American Preppers Radio! Sundays 6:00pm/Est 3:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: http://prepperbroadcasting.com/listen-chat/ This week, as we wrap up the final part in our four-part series on kid communities, we are joined by James Walton at I Am Liberty, the Wednesday night show on Prepper Broadcasting Network! James’ journey toward preparedness led him to write one of the best books on the market detailing the means and methods for starting, building, and enhancing a community from scratch. His book, “Come Unity Community” is not just a how to – it is more importantly a call to action that reveals our true first line of defense as preppers: the community. We’ll be talking about this key text and the importance of leading by example – both at large and in the home, and why building connections and community is a skill set that no parent should be lax on sharing with their kids... Read More! Visit our chat room HERE! Tags: American Preppers Radio, Prepper Broadcasting, Next Generation