Episode 10 -Schmootzcast with Adele Uddo

Mindschmootz's Podcast show

Summary: A few months ago, a mutual friend introduced me to hand and body-part model, Adele Uddo. I was immediately smitten. Now, I know what you are thinking, it’s the “parts” that captured my attention, but that’s not true. Well, it is true to a certain extent, holy hell, I have a pulse, don’t I? But Adele is much more that just the sum of those beautiful parts. Not only is she not too hard on the eyes, she is intelligent, witty, quirky, and lovable…a few of my favorite things. Adele’s relatively new blog, Hand Jobs: Tale of a Hand Model, is a source of great personal joy and insight. It’s my opinion that Southerners are great storytellers, and Adele is no exception to my rule. Chronicling her journey from a child of great culinary (among other) privilege in New Orleans to being uprooted and transplanted on a raw-vegetable, hippie commune in California. Adele expounds upon the remarkable tales of traveling cross country in a bus named the Mars Hotel; the pleasures and paranoia of adult prescribed, prepubescent drug use (she is NOT a Native American), the heart break of trying to fit into a “normal” school life without ingesting preservatives and meat-byproducts, and the interaction of real-life characters most likely experienced by most of us only through the scripts of a sitcom. I invite you to sit in on our conversation about parts…Adele’s, and the ones that run a little more than skin deep.