I'm Alright Jack

Don Woods show

Summary: In the last few years packaging has got ridiculous....even small items like batteries require a Swiss army knife to get through the packaging....even food like biscuits are another example....the plastic packaging is only thin but unless you are Arnold Swartzenager you cannot open it without scissors.....even buying stuff online leaves you with a mountain of cardboard....aren't we supposed to be saving the environment?....speaking of which I am about to tax my car...£315 for a year !!!!!!....a friend of mine has a Mini Cooper and she pays £20 a year....apparently it's all about the emissions....what the hell that's got to do with ROAD tax is beyond me...another way to rip us off. 2.Us oldies go on about modern songs not being "as good as the ones from our generation"....I recently heard "Rosetta are you better" by Alan Price and Georgie Fame which has to be one of the worst songs of all time....I was unfortunate enough to see them both live in Liverpool....all they did was fool around on stage with total disrespect for the audience....this reminded me of some other bad hits....The Jarrow Lads was as bad as it gets.....others that spring to mind are Tell Laura I Love Her by Ricky Valance......I won't even mention Love Me Do.........and I notice the BBC are playing Cliff Richard's latest record....I wonder if that was part of the settlement deal?........and it was nice to see The Fonz get a long deserved Emmy Award...I was a big fan of Henry Winkler back in the day and was really jealous when one of my mates was mistaken for him on holiday....he even signed an autograph....I never forgave him. 3.I have to announce I have now completely lost interest in Brexit and have no idea what it is all about....it has lost me....all I see when it constantly comes up on the news is a load of politicians arguing over whether we should stay or go when all they are ACTUALLY doing is worrying about their overpaid jobs....I now couldn't care less one way or another....all the political parties should join together and form one big one called "The I'm Alright Jack Party"....the problem I have with politics is the total lack of charisma amongst the characters.....some politician will come on and go on about one thing or another....totally biassed...and bore us all to death.....what is required is someone like John Cleese to get the point over....then people would listen. 4.Talking of which I thought the Monty Python lot were so far ahead of their time.....when you watch The Life of Brian and look beneath the comedy the messages put across are sheer genius....the film shows the gullibility and stupidity of the human race with scenes like "what have the Romans done for us?"......and everyone following the wrong messiah.....and what is classic so many people missed the point....especially the Yanks who saw it as anti religious which it wasn't.....it is definitely my favourite film of all time.....nothing can be more original than three kings following the star and going to the wrong house......priceless. 5.The song this week is one I co-wrote with a very talented lady friend of mine called Patricia Knapton who writes wonderful poetry ....the song is called "The Colour of Time" and observes a painter seeing the world as a perfect place via his painting....and says if only we could see the world through his eyes......the answer is in the last line of the song