Threat of natural disaster handcuffs a small Texas city's development

Marketplace All-in-One show

Summary: <p class="p1"><span>(Markets Edition) Affordable housing isn’t just an issue in packed, urban areas. A new study has found that half of rural counties are also in dire need of it. Then, we look at the markets in light of the new NAFTA agreement as well as a monthly index of the manufacturing sector. We also take a trip to Bastrop, Texas, a small city that tells the story of how the threat of natural disasters can put a stop to thoughts of growth and development. </span><span>Today's show is sponsored by GAIN Capital Group, (</span><a href="" target="_blank"></a><span>), PayPal (</span><a href="" target="_blank"></a><span>), and Selligent (</span><a href=";UTM_SOURCE=Google&amp;UTM_CONTENT=selligent&amp;UTM_MEDIUM=CPC&amp;AssetID=demo-request&amp;CID=701f3000000yUGDAA2&amp;CNAME=NA_US_AD_SEM_NOV2017_2017000743&amp;LSG=Advertising&amp;gclid=Cj0KCQjwi8fdBRCVARIsAEkDvnI1bJJPEiWZCgXCKKrfrrhK1DPXD025hTMcaQMGVW6yB_o56J6KHMEaAuyZEALw_wcB" target="_blank"></a><span>).(10/02/18)</span></p>