The manufacturing sector appears to be losing momentum

Marketplace All-in-One show

Summary: <p class="p1"><span>(U.S. Edition) The September jobs report is gaining most of the attention on Friday morning, with forecasters expecting signs of steady jobs growth. But one thing that appears to be leveling off is the manufacturing sector. We look into why. We also look at Walmart’s efforts into offering better job training to workers after the company joined about a dozen others in a pledge to train millions of workers in the next five years. Also, we look into the trouble of Danske, the Danish bank blanketed in a money laundering scandal. </span><span>Today's show is sponsored by American Express (</span><a href=";utm_source=google&amp;utm_medium=cpc&amp;utm_term=american%20express&amp;utm_cmpid=1547380027&amp;utm_adgid=55736694661&amp;utm_tgtid=kwd-19866590&amp;utm_mt=e&amp;utm_adid=293763121907&amp;utm_dvc=c&amp;utm_ntwk=g&amp;utm_adpos=1t1&amp;utm_plcmnt=&amp;utm_locphysid=9060325&amp;utm_locintid=&amp;utm_feeditemid=&amp;utm_devicemdl=&amp;utm_plcmnttgt=&amp;gclid=Cj0KCQjwl9zdBRDgARIsAL5Nyn36BnlCMJA6IYgybzKnVoYhSAxleSG_2LFBXaG-I4I4pexKfp20ABgaAjPgEALw_wcB" target="_blank"></a><span>) </span><span>and PayPal (</span><a href=""><span></span></a><span>). </span><span>(10/05/2018)</span></p>