BONUS: How I Made $4,219 From My Phone At 18 (Top 3 Apps)

Young Smart Money show

Summary: At the age of 18 I knew the 9-5 life just wasn't for me. From a young age I have always been fixated on money and making more of it, and for a young person these 3 apps allow you to do just that. In fact, just by using these 3 apps on the side I was able to make over $4,000 last year while I was going to school and working a part time job. These apps are not for taking surveys or making pennies each day. They allow you to use them whenever you have time in order to make a few extra dollars (maybe even $100!) each and every day. My name is Apple Crider, I am 19 years old, and I have a passion. Providing financial information to young people that the school system deems "not a priority", but that will severely handicap your future if you operate out of ignorance. In order to spread this message, I create daily Youtube videos ( ), this weekly podcast ( ), and daily Instaram content ( )