Dorothy Shain | Dorothy Shain

Founders 15 show

Summary: Dorothy Shain is a mixed media artist who in a short period of time has already made a real career out of her truly beautiful and unique art. As a “left brain” person, it’s taken a lot to cultivate and enhance my creativity, so I had a lot of questions for Dorothy about her creative process and learned quite a lot through this conversation. The menswear market is crowded, and I knew that going in, but I have so much respect for artists who go all in on their talent to build a career in potentially the most crowded market there is! Anyone can call themselves an artist - few can make something really valued out of a career in it. I loved hearing how Dorothy internalized the lessons from Danny Meyer’s “Setting The Table” about really owning the touchpoints and relationships in her world to create a memorable experience and story for her customers and art. She also has a unique approach to the morning - 10 minutes of meditation, 10 minutes of reading, and writing down 10 things she’s grateful for - that have helped keep her sane on a very tough journey of building a career out of her art. This was a really different conversation in many ways while being so very similar to convesrations with more traditional business founders. I was fortunate to have it and hope you find value in listening to it. You can support the amazing work she’s doing for cancer survivors via her Instagram. I just bought one of the commemorative scarves after hearing the story behind the initiative.