J Brown - Yoga, Healing and Wholeness

The Flow Artists Podcast - Yoga, activism and more show

Summary: J Brown is a Yoga Teacher, writer and host of J Brown’s Yoga talks. He is currently based in Pennsylvania, after relocating from the studio he ran in Brooklyn, New York City for many years. J is a prolific blogger and writer - having contributed to sites such as Yoga Dork and Elephant Journal - writing many informative articles over the years on the state of Yoga. His podcast is one of our must listens, and he has featured some of the worlds most well-known yoga teachers in very in depth and informative conversations. J Brown Yoga Talks is a huge influence on the Flow Artists Podcast, and probably one of the reasons it exists! In this episode, we learn about J's Childhood, and how he was affected by the tragic death of his mother. We learn about how some of his early experiences in yoga lead him towards a path of injury. We learn how his encounters with an Indian Swami changed his approach to life and yoga. We also learn about how he navigates using online technology to share his knowledge while still maintaining personal connections within his classes. Finally, J shares how he structures and teaches a typical class in a way that allows him to personalise for each student, and how he now teaches a more gentle, accepting, non-dualist approach to yoga. Links: J Brown's website: https://www.jbrownyoga.com/ J on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jbrownyoga/ J's Upcoming visit to Australia: http://www.qiyoga.net/events/gentle-is-the-new-advanced-with-international-yoga-teacher-j-brown/ Tickets for Asher Packman's Event 'Blood Bath for BCAM': https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/blood-bath-for-bcam-tickets-49802277954 Asher's Podcast Episode: https://podcast.flowartists.com/episodes/david-packman/