Ep26 What really matters EFL360 Founders Round table

Biz4Good Show show

Summary: <br> Biz4GoodShow with the EFL360 Roundtable<br> Biz4GoodShow subject matter idea: Discuss how trust fits into creating businesses that do good and are also successful and sustainable. Why is trust so important. How is it earned or created? How is it lost? How does trust interact with accountability? Is trust one of those things that REALLY MATTER and REALLY WORK in successful small businesses? “Accountability advances credibility” <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/begooddogood?source=feed_text&amp;story_id=1873682612951505">#BeGoodDoGood</a>. <a href="http://www.biz4goodshow.com/">Www.biz4goodshow.com</a><br> B4G Studio News is brought to you by….<br> Our Sponsors:<br> 8 Wisdoms<br> Speakers SpeakUp Studio<br> EFL360.com<br> <br> It might have been the protein drink Bobby had….No lack of energy today!<br> Bobby loves spicey and hot food, but THAT WAS INSANE.  There’s hot, then there’s Firey Lava!  Tells story of worst Wing Challenge ever email that went around.  (hehe)<br> #PainForGood<br> B4G is ranking in the Top 5 on Podcastland.  Vote for the Biz4GoodShow as best business podcast.  Wow!  Thanks for all your support.<br> EFL360 Founders Roundtable – Welcome!<br> Serious Moment:  90 minute daily challenge.<br> Ryan found this video and played it every day for a month.  It inspires!  Plays Video:  See it on the Biz4Good Facebook page.<br>  <br> Good News Segment<br> Why belly rubs can be the best therapy<br> Telly the therapy dog shows these youth how to trust and be trustworthy.<br> <a href="https://www.ourbetterworld.org/en/story/why-belly-rubs-can-be-best-therapy">https://www.ourbetterworld.org/en/story/why-belly-rubs-can-be-best-therapy</a><br> <br> Quote of the Day:<br> It all begins and ends in your mind.  What you give power to, has power over you, If you allow it.<br> If you are looking for problems you are going to find them.<br> Here’s the Show!  The Big Show?<br> Pause….<br>  <br> This has all been about what really works.  They talk about creating trust.<br> Accountability Advances Credibility – Bobby loves it.<br> Why is Trust Important?<br> Kevin recommends creating trust with your customers on a very real level.  You have to make it a point to get to know your customers.  What constitutes building trust?<br> Bobby’s ‘77 Camaro story.  Transmission out.  Seemed like a lot of money.  Dad said get a second opinion.  Bobby found out that the transmission was fine.  And later noticed the first place had gone out of business.<br> Be persistent in product and service quality.  –Ryan<br> So many promises out there that do not work.  You have to do what you say.<br> 6 month money back guarantee.  However, you had to do this that and the other to get the guarantee. Is it worth the results?  Making hard claims like this…it seems they don’t trust their customers.  – Kevin<br> Gimic to get your attention.  People get taken advantage of.  Need stipulations to keep clients from taking advantage of you.<br> So many causes, people, and organizations screaming for attention.  What does it mean to be trustworthy?  How do we create trust?  Think about it.  Are you trustworthy?  Do you deliver?  Any kind of inaction denotes credibility issues.  Are you creating a culture of trust?  Emotion plays into business.  A common denominator in business is TRUST.  – Jay<br> Accelerate the speed of trust.  Accelerate Business Growth.<br> It all goes back to doing Good.  If you are doing good for the customer, they will trust you.<br>  <br> Doing good things connects everything.  If it’s noise, a lie, “bullcrap” (Bobby) – not good.<br> Fundamental element people don’t talk about.<br> Example:  Incredible content “click here”…if it’s not there, you erode the credibility.<br> Accountability.  “It’s not my fault” How do you take it?<br> If a customer pays me to deliver, whose fault is it if you don’t deliver.