#125: Jim Palmer–The Power of “Decide”, and Ultimate Business Mindset

Success 101 Podcast with Jarrod Warren: Peak Performance | Maximum Productivity show

Summary: EPISODE #125: Jim Palmer, The Dream Business Coach<br> "The Power of "Decide", and Ultimate Business Mindset"<br> What is the one word that could completely change your mindset, path in life/business, and turn you around from the path you are headed down as an entrepreneur or professional? "DECIDE"! This simple, yet not so easy to implement action, can set you on a life-altering course for success in areas and ways that you have never imagined possible. Join me on episode 125, as Business Coach Jim Palmer and I discuss the power that the word "Decide" can have over you and your life, so you can become more productive and profitable, starting now!<br> Episode #125, with Jim Palmer, References:<br> Where are people struggling the most becoming successful with building a business:<br> 1. Not having a proper growth mindset.<br> 2. Not understanding branding and positioning.<br> 3. Knowing how much You have to put into yourself to understanding your business.<br> 4. Not doing the things you know you should be doing to grow your business.<br> 5. You must be willing to invest heavily in your business, right from the beginning.<br> 6. You must be willing to pay heavily for coaching, and not just have an accountability group.<br> 7. People typically run out of cash, because they run out of courage.<br> 8. One word that separates the highly successful from the average/unsuccessful: "DECIDE".<br> <br>  <br> <br> Jim's Books for Higher Performance:<br> 1. The Magic of Newsletter Marketing<br> 2. Stick Like Glue<br> 3. It's Okay To Be Scared, But Never Give Up<br> 4. The Fastest Way to Higher Profits<br> 5. Stop Waiting For It To Get Easier<br> 6. Decide, The Ultimate Success Trigger<br> <br>  <br> How to Connect with Jim Palmer:<br> -Jim Palmer's Website:<br> <a href="http://www.getjimpalmer.com" target="_blank">www.getjimpalmer.com</a><br> <br> -Jim Palmer on Twitter:<br> <a href="https://twitter.com/getjimpalmer">@getjimpalmer</a><br> <br> -Jim Palmer on Facebook:<br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/newsletterguru">https://www.facebook.com/newsletterguru</a><br> <br> -Stick Like Glue Radio Podcast:<br> <a href="http://www.getjimpalmer.com/category/podcasts/">www.getjimpalmer.com/category/podcasts</a><br> <br> -Contact Jim Palmer:<br> <a href="http://www.getjimpalmer.com/contact/">http://www.getjimpalmer.com/contact/</a><br> How to Connect With Jarrod Warren:<br> Enjoy the podcast? Find The Success 101 Podcast on iTunes, subscribe, and give a 5-star rating:<br> <a href="http://buff.ly/1TXbYDv">http://buff.ly/1TXbYDv</a><br> <br> The Success 101 Podcast Website:<br> <a href="http://www.success101podcast.com">www.success101podcast.com</a><br> <br> Email Jarrod Warren:<br> <a href="mailto:info@thesuccess101podcast.com">info@thesuccess101podcast.com</a><br> <br> The Success 101 Podcast on Facebook:<br> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/success101podcast">www.facebook.com/success101podcast</a><br> <br> Jarrod Warren on Twitter:<br> <a href="https://twitter.com/WarrenJarrod">https://twitter.com/WarrenJarrod</a><br> @WarrenJarrod<br> <br> Jarrod Warren on Instagram:<br> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/jarrod_warren/">https://www.instagram.com/jarrod_warren/</a><br> @jarrod_warren<br> <br> Music Credit:<br> "Intro" by The xx<br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/intro/id677656509?i=677656561">https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/intro/id677656509?i=677656561</a><br> <br> Podcast Post-Production Credit:<br> Sonorous Lab<br> <a href="http://www.sonorouslab.com/" target="_blank">www.sonorouslab.com</a><br> Audio Engineering Solutions<br>