#131: Christopher O. Koon–Overcoming Adversity, and Striving for Significance in Every Moment

Success 101 Podcast with Jarrod Warren: Peak Performance | Maximum Productivity show

Summary: EPISODE #131: Christopher O. Koon<br> "Overcoming Adversity, and Striving for Significance in Every Moment."<br> Chris Koon has created tremendous success in his financial advisory practice, but continues to strive for further legacy building actions in what he does outside of his career. His main passion is to leave an incredible impact on those he loves, and truly live in the present, to make the most of each day. Join me on episode #131 as I get a chance to hang out and visit with my dear friend Chris Koon, as we discuss the mindset and purpose he brings to each day, to truly leave a mark of significance on those around him.<br> <br> How to Connect With Chris Koon:<br> -Chris Koon's Email:<br> Chris.Koon@NM.com<br> <br>  <br> <br> How to Connect With Jarrod Warren:<br> Enjoy the podcast? Find The Success 101 Podcast on iTunes, subscribe, and give a 5-star rating:<br> <a href="http://buff.ly/1TXbYDv">http://buff.ly/1TXbYDv</a><br> <br> The Success 101 Podcast Website:<br> <a href="http://www.success101podcast.com">www.success101podcast.com</a><br> <br> Email Jarrod Warren:<br> <a href="mailto:info@thesuccess101podcast.com">info@thesuccess101podcast.com</a><br> <br> The Success 101 Podcast on Facebook:<br> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/success101podcast">www.facebook.com/success101podcast</a><br> <br> Jarrod Warren on Twitter:<br> <a href="https://twitter.com/WarrenJarrod">https://twitter.com/WarrenJarrod</a><br> <a href="https://twitter.com/WarrenJarrod">@WarrenJarrod</a><br> <br> Jarrod Warren on Instagram:<br> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/success101podcast/">https://www.instagram.com/success101podcast/</a><br> @success101podcast<br> <br> Podcast Post-Production Credit:<br> Sonorous Lab<br> <a href="http://www.sonorouslab.com/" target="_blank">www.sonorouslab.com</a><br> Audio Engineering Solutions<br> Offering: Music Production – Sound Design – Podcast Production.<br> "These guys make my life so much easier with their incredible post-production abilities. My podcast episodes are completed quickly, with professionalism, and they are more than eager to make sure we get each episode right by my standards. Working with Sonorous Lab has been an absolutely awesome experience, more than I expected, and I would recommend them for any podcaster looking to free up your time and adding quality to your show" ---Jarrod Warren, Founder of The Success 101 Podcast, on iTunes.