Episode 26: Chaos Never Takes a Break in Washington D.C.

FedHeads show

Summary: The FedHeads are back! Robert and Francis are refreshed from summer break and talking about three major developments in government management that have occurred during the sometimes slow month of August in Washington. Federal district judge invalidates 9 provisions of Trump executive orders: https://federalnewsradio.com/workforce/2018/08/federal-district-judge-invalidates-9-provisions-of-trump-executive-orders/ CRS Report on NDAA: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/R45013.pdf OMB Memo 18-23: https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/M-18-23.pdf About FedHeads FedHeads are Robert Shea and Francis Rose, who love to talk about the arcana of government management and the people who are trying to make it better. They don't have t-shirts yet, but are open to ideas. If government is your bag, you've got to listen to 'em. They're the FedHeads.