Summary of the 2018 Self-Care for Teachers Annual Survey

Teacher Wellbeing show

Summary: In this episode I share with you some of the results of the Self-Care for Teachers Annual Survey that I did in June 2018. The report is still forthcoming, but today I thought I would share with you a bit of an overview and what I've got so far. In the survey, I asked a whole bunch of questions, and I don't go through all of them today, but I do cover a bit about physical and mental health, workload, wellbeing practices and what respondents said is happening in their schools in terms of support for staff wellbeing. Stay tuned for the final report, once I've finished sifting through all the free-form answers. There's a lot to do and I want to do it properly, so I appreciate all your patience. If you're not already, make sure you subscribe to the podcast in your podcast player, sign up to the newsletter and come over to follow me on Facebook or Instagram (my handle is @selfcareforteachers ) because that's where you'll get the updates. Find the full show notes at This episode of the Teacher Wellbeing Podcast is sponsored by the Self-Care for Teachers Resource Room: an online hub for teachers to learn about health, happiness, wellbeing and burnout prevention. Check out the library: a collection of free resources that you can use to be proactive about your self-care and wellbeing. Find out more at