Episode 117 – Summer of ’84/American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon

The Grave Plot Podcast show

Summary: <br> One more time, with feeling.<br> <br> <br> <br> We kick off today's new episode with some chit-chat about <a href="https://graveplotfilmfest.com" target="_blank">The Grave Plot Film Fest</a>. We move on to Real World Horror, where we discuss the online "challenge" coming from a terrifying creature named <a href="https://i.cbc.ca/1.4791019.1534762291!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_780/momo.jpg">Momo</a>. In Horror Business, we start things off with an update on the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise. We move on to talk about Glenn Danzig getting into film making and a sequel to the popular South Korean zombie film <a href="https://graveplotpodcast.com/2017/04/episode-83-train-busan-toxic-avenger-patreon/">Train to Busan</a>. We close the segment out with a new horror film from Jay Baruchel and a TV adaptation of a popular horror video game.<br> <br> <br> <br> In our movie reviews, we discuss the new 80s kids adventure thriller Summer of '84, from the makers of Turbo Kid. It's a little bit Stranger Things, a little bit Goonies, and a little bit The 'Burbs. But is it any good? Listen and find out. <br> <br> <br> <br> We also discuss the exorcism film and latest installment in the American Guinea Pig series, The Song of Solomon, starring former guest <a href="https://graveplotpodcast.com/tag/jessica-cameron/">Jessica Cameron</a>. The series has a history of being bloody and violent so tune in to hear all about this one.<br> <br> <br> <br> So let's get crazy. Let's go nuts.<br>