Eugenie's Wedding and other Matters!

Don Woods show

Summary: .Eveyone is up in arms about the cost of Princess Eugenie's wedding....somewhere in the region of £2 million....with comments pointing out that she does nothing and doesn't even have job....she is the daughter of Prince Andrew who I don't have a lot of time for and Sarah Ferguson who I actually like very much....however when will these "critics" get it into their heads that we mortals don't's always been us and them and always will be so rather than spend their time moaning and criticising just get on with their own lives....if they actually have would help if we were told what some of the aristocracy actually do...if anything...I do wonder what the next generation will make of the Royals as they are beginning to make their presence felt with the likes of TV which few of them seem to watch and music where they now seem to rule the roost. 2.Speaking of television there seems to be a bit of a panic on about loss of viewers (not just the young ones)....they don't seem to see the obvious problem....there is very little worth watching....and yet they are paying out ridiculous salaries to the likes of Chris Evans and Gary Linacre....around £2 million each.....and the news is becoming a joke....they have TWO presenters...why?....and ITV in the morning have THREE....who bring on guests and all yap at once...and if you don't watch soaps or stupid reality shows you haven't got a clue what's going on as they constitute most of the guests.....I can't help getting the feeling that TV could go the way of video machines and cassette players and film cameras.....some bright spark will come up with an alternative and wipe it off the map....because they are certainly not moving with the times......if anything they are going backwards. 3.Robbie Williams will be a judge on the X Factor...he must be short of cash...personally i feel the programme is well past its sell by date ...the young hopefuls who are cheered on by there grandmas in the wings should be given a reality check before they go in for certainly AINT a dream come true Simon.....and as for Robbie he is about as phoney as a 9 pound note....he is a good entertainer but I remember how obnoxious he was back in the day......but if our population buy into this and make Mr.Cowell even richer good luck to him........................another programme puzzles me - I fail to see what interest a celebrity's past ancestors are to me.....and do I care if some contestant from an audience wins a fortune.....I'm happy for them but do I care? 4.Finally I think the transgender celebrations in Manchester are somewhat over the top...I have absolutely nothing against gay fact I have several friends who are gay....but why do they have to "celebrate" it in such loud fashion?'s as if they are trying to prove a point which no longer needs are what you are and I appreciate that in the past gays were treated badly but maybe it's time to move on?.....or am I over simplifying it all? 5.Last week you played my song Beatle City which I produced for the Merseyside Council back in the 80's ...the song this week is the B side of that disc which pays a tribute to some of the bands who gave Merseybeat to the here are some "Merseybeat Memories".