Not What You Think show

Summary: If you asked me months ago what we would be talking about 7 days before the Panthers 2016 opener, there's not a chance in the world I would say "Punters"...but here we are. This week, Bobby (@ChickenNGreens) and I break down the positive side of things while discussing Madden 17 and much more on this final preseason edition of the Keep PounDENN podcast. #KPDBeeroftheWeek: Cisco Brewers - Dionis Dortmunder Bobby gives a positive spin on the Panthers punter move. (03:05) We apparently judge punters on their tackling skills now. (05:04) Don't underestimate the need for a good kick holder. (09:30) Gettleman's success in the 4th round in the last 3 years. (12:10) KPD BEER OF THE WEEK - Cisco Brewers (12:40) I'm like 10% right now on FGs/XPs in Madden 17. Help. (14:10) 2016 hates everyone. Especially the Vikings. (15:50) Bobby casually drops an "Even Janitor" on the air (18:30) Is there still a place for Coples on the Panthers roster? (29:50) The touching story of Andy Lee coming to the Panthers. (31:07) #Panthers