EP #4: Weight

The Done Bingeing Podcast show

Summary: When you see the number on the scale, or on the measuring tape, or on a clothing tag, what do you make that number mean? And why should you care about the meaning you ascribe to that number? <br> In Episode 4, you’ll find out why how you think and feel about your weight really matters—and how to make your attitude about your weight work in your favor.<br> This episode continues the conversation we began in Episode 3 about the price you pay when you feel shame about your bingeing. Remember, self-regard is central to freeing you from bingeing! <br> So, this week, and for the next few weeks, we’ll be breaking this down and looking at how we can use self-regard to help in key areas of binge eating: weight, food restriction, urges to binge, the bingeing itself, the aftermath of bingeing, and weight loss after the bingeing has stopped. Up first: weight. Listen in and find out more!<br> <br> Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.holdingthespace.co/4