Hector LaMarque On Building The Leadership Skills That Bring Success – Episode #79

In the Arena show

Summary: One of the most influential and powerful voices in the sales community today is Hector LaMarque. He’s been a salesperson and sales leader for over 30 years and has applied the hard work and hustle it takes to continually be that leader in the field. In this conversation, Anthony chats with Hector about what it takes to build real leadership skills, why many salespeople act like they are working but really aren’t, how adversity and competition are the only roads that lead toward growth, and much more. You’re going to hear from a master in the areas of sales, motivation, and leadership so don’t miss this one.<br> <br> Hector LaMarque On Building The Leadership Skills That Bring Success - Episode #79Click To Tweet<br> Leadership skills are seldom something you are born with. They have to be learned.<br> Of course, there are people who are born leaders. But the skills that have to be applied in order to functionally BE a good leader are not always something that comes naturally. Hector LaMarque says that leadership skills have to be honed, refined over time, and the truly successful leaders are the ones who understand that and are constantly working on the craft of leadership. Hector highlights what it takes to apply yourself to that kind of consistent work on this episode of In The Arena, so be sure you listen.<br> Most people's skill set is poor to mediocre. Successful sales leaders can’t be those people.<br> When Hector LaMarque was asked why many people in the sales world are not achieving the numbers or accomplishments they say they want to achieve, he said it’s because the average person has a poor to mediocre skill set and doesn’t know it. If they do know it, they don’t know what it takes to build the leadership skills that will propel them to new levels of accomplishment. Hector’s philosophy is simple: It takes a lot of hustle, hard work, and a constant commitment to personal and professional growth to build the skills set that leads to success. Most people simply aren’t willing to put in that kind of work.<br> <br> Most people’s skill set is poor to mediocre. Successful sales leaders can’t be those people.Click To Tweet<br> Success is more like MMA than it is like boxing.<br> In this wide-ranging conversation Anthony and his guest, Hector LaMarque primarily chat about leadership and leadership skills, but not without a foray into the world of sports. Both of them use the sports analogy as a perfect way to illustrate the discipline and competitiveness needed to become successful. Anthony says that the path to success is more like MMA fighting than it is boxing, simply because you have to lose many hard-fought battles in order to get there. It’s those losses, those hardships that craft you into the person who can not only accomplish success but who can also bear up under the weight of it. You’ll get a lot of clearly thought-out advice about personal growth and leadership on this episode, so don’t miss it.<br> Competition is a good thing. It’s what pushes us to improve our products, services, and skills.<br> There are times, and certain circles, where competitiveness is cast in a negative light. But Hector LaMarque believes that competition is a good thing. It’s the desire to win, the desire to overcome that pushes all of us to the next level. It’s what produces better products year after year. It’s what fuels innovation and advancement in the culture. It’s what drives high achievers toward continued growth in their personal and leadership skills. Competition is indeed a good thing. It’s what makes us champions when everyone else is content to simply be a competitor.<br> <br> Competition is a good thing. It’s what pushes us to improve Click To Tweet<br> Outline of this great episode<br> <br> [3:01] What makes for success in the people Hector has worked with?<br> [4:29] What is the prospecting work that successful salespeople and leaders do?<br>