Argentina to take more action to stem currency crisis

Marketplace All-in-One show

Summary: <p>(Global Edition) From the BBC World Service … To stem its ongoing currency crisis, Argentina is set to unveil a new round of spending cuts as its finance minister heads to Washington to try and secure a deal for quicker IMF payments. Investors are closely watching any new developments, but what does it all mean for local businesspeople trying to make a living? Then, 10 years after the global financial crisis, people are still struggling with debts – but now they’re “smaller and trickier,” according to new figures from a British charity that helps those dealing with financial problems. <span>Today's show is sponsored by </span><span>Indeed (</span><a href=""><span></span></a><span>), Simple Contacts (<a href=";sa=D&amp;usd=2&amp;usg=AFQjCNHwJEG3NW6QhspMzguFg2bRKwz_xw" target="_blank"></a>) and U.S. Bank (<a href=";sa=D&amp;usd=2&amp;usg=AFQjCNENxZXGBszhwsxCZOkgUBaP6QiqLQ" target="_blank"></a>).</span> (09/03/2018)</p>