The U.S. is in a tech race with the world. It's losing.

Marketplace All-in-One show

Summary: (U.S. Edition) Today, Washington will be host to hundreds of companies testifying about the Trump administration's plan to impose roughly $200 billion more in tariffs on goods from China. Most economists are seeing this as a bad move for the nation's economy, according to a survey from the National Association for Business Economics. Also, commuters from New Jersey heading into to new are bracing for hard times as this morning marks the start of construction-related lane closures heading into the Lincoln Tunnel. During rush hour, about 10,000 cars an hour move through the tunnel. Then, we check in on the United States' place in the worldwide tech race. An expert shares how other countries have pulled ahead. Today's show is sponsored by Indeed (<a href=""><span></span></a>) and Michigan Economic Development Corporation (<a href=""><span></span></a>).