119 -Addictions and Co-Occurring Disorders: Common Issues and Interventions

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Common Issues &amp; Interventions<br> in the Treatment of<br> Co-Occurring Disorders<br> Objectives<br> ~ What are Co-occurring Disorders<br> ~ Chicken and Egg Dilemma<br> ~ Awareness and Mindfulness<br> ~ Self-Esteem<br> ~ Sleep<br> ~ Nutrition<br> ~ Depressed and/or Anxious Mood</p> <p>What are Co-Occurring Disorders<br> ~ Any physical or mental health disorder that<br> ~ Occurs at the same time as an addiction<br> ~ Can cause clinically significant impairment on its own<br> ~ Creates a hurdle in the recovery process</p> <p>Chicken and the Egg<br> ~ Which to address first—Mental Health or Addiction<br> ~ Both! (assuming motivation)<br> ~ Addiction (Goal is progress not perfection)<br> ~ What are your triggers for use?<br> ~ What have you done in the past that has helped you not use?<br> ~ What can you do to help yourself stay clean/not use now?<br> ~ How can you do that? / How can I help?<br> ~ Mental and/or Physical Health Issues<br> ~ What MH/PH issues do you have that contribute to your use?<br> ~ What can you do that helps make those things less distressing?<br> ~ How can you do that? / How can I help?<br> Awareness<br> ~ Most people in early recovery are on autopilot<br> ~ The powerlessness to change the situation often prompts disconnection emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually<br> ~ Part of the definition of addiction is experiencing difficulties in multiple areas of life as a result of use which often results in guilt, resentment, depression, grief, negative self-image<br> ~ Life is about survival  avoiding the intolerable pain</p> <p>Awareness –Interventions<br> ~ Turn off Autopilot<br> ~ Mindfulness<br> ~ How I feel right now<br> ~ Meeting my needs<br> ~ Thoughts Feelings, Urges and Behaviors that keep me unhappy<br> ~ Thoughts Feelings, Urges and Behaviors that will help me start changing<br> Awareness –Interventions<br> ~ Purposeful Action Continuum<br> Awareness –Interventions<br> ~ Deal with thoughts and feelings that prevent self awareness<br> ~ Guilt (I need to ignore my needs and make up for…)<br> ~ Fear (If I tune in, I might get overwhelmed)<br> ~ Apathy (What’s the point?)<br> ~ Self-Hatred/Negative Internal Voice (Suck it up!)<br> Self-Esteem<br> ~ Low Self Esteem<br> ~ Powerless<br> ~ Walk the middle path, identifying what you do and do not have control over<br> ~ Learn from prior failures<br> ~ Create a Success Mantra</p> <p>Quotes About Success and Failure<br> ~ “Failure isn't fatal, but failure to change might be” – John Wooden<br> ~ “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” – Thomas A. Edison<br> ~ “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill<br> ~ The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” – Henry Ford<br> ~ “Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.” Colin Powell</p> <p>Self-Esteem<br> ~ Low Self Esteem<br> ~ If people do not feel worthy of recovery/happiness, they will not stay motivated for it<br> ~ Change the Dialogue<br> ~ Undeserving of happiness (refusal to forgive self)<br> ~ What would it mean if you forgave yourself?<br> ~ What are you afraid will happen?<br> ~ What makes someone deserving of happiness?<br> Self-Esteem<br> ~ Low Self Esteem<br> ~ If people do not feel worthy of recovery/happiness, they will not stay motivated for it<br> ~ Change the Dialogue<br> ~ Unlovable or fallible?<br> ~ What makes someone lovable?<br> ~ Useless/purposeless or undirected?<br> ~ What skills/qualities/attributes do you have?<br> ~ How can you use those?<br> Sleep<br> ~ Sleep is disrupted by<br> ~ Addictions<br> ~ Stress/Depression/Anxiety<br> ~ Physical Pain<br> ~ Poor Nutrition<br> ~ Sufficient quality sleep improves<br> ~ Focus/Conce</p>