136 -Identifying and Addressing Irrational Thoughts to Reduce Anxiety and Depression

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <div>CBT:  Irrational Thoughts<br> Understanding and Addressing Them<br> Presented by: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes<br> Executive Director, AllCEUs</div> <div></div> <div>Counseling CEUs for this presentation are available at <a href="https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/497/c/">https://www.allceus.com/member/cart/index/product/id/497/c/ </a> </div> <div>Objectives<br> ~ Define Thinking Errors<br> ~ Explore the different types of thinking errors<br> ~ Evaluate how thinking errors can play into our basic fears: Rejection, isolation, the unknown, loss of control, failure<br> ~ Identify ways to<br> ~ Increase awareness of thinking errors<br> ~ Address thinking errors<br> ~ Address basic fears</div> <div>Why I Care/How It Impacts Recovery<br> ~ Thinking errors, or stinkin’ thinkin’ plays a large part in keeping people miserable<br> ~ Addiction, depression, anxiety, anger and guilt often stem or are made worse by faulty thinking<br> ~ Addressing these thought patterns will help you:<br> ~ Not make a mountain out of a molehill<br> ~ Focus on the things you can change<br> ~ Identify and eliminate thought patterns that are keeping you stuck<br> What are Thinking Errors<br> ~ Cognitive Distortions take a thought and manipulate it to<br> ~ Fulfil your expectations of a situation<br> ~ Conform to your current head space (negative begets negative)<br> ~ Irrational Thoughts are beliefs/thoughts that you may hold that<br> ~ Are usually extreme (I must have love and approval from everyone all the time)<br> ~ Are unrealistic<br> ~ Create feelings of failure, inadequacy, disempowerment</div> <div>A Note About Irrationality<br> ~ The origins of most beliefs were rational and helpful given:<br> ~ The information the person had at the time<br> ~ The cognitive development (ability to process that information)<br> ~ “Irrationality” or unhelpfulness of thoughts comes when those beliefs are:<br> ~ Perpetuated without examination<br> ~ Continue to be held despite causing harm to the person</div> <div>Sometimes it is more productive for clients to think of these thoughts as “unhelpful” instead of “irrational.”<br> Irrational Beliefs<br> ~ If I make a mistake, it means that I am incompetent.<br> ~ When somebody disagrees with me, it is a personal attack.<br> ~ I must be liked by all people.<br> ~ My true value depends on what others think of me.<br> ~ If I am not in a relationship, I am completely alone.<br> ~ Success and failure are black and white.  There is no gray.</div> <div>Evaluate how thinking errors can play into our basic fears: Rejection, isolation, the unknown, loss of control, failure</div> <div>Irrational Beliefs<br> ~ Nothing ever turns out the way you want it to.<br> ~ If the outcome was not perfect, it was a complete failure.<br> ~ If something bad happens, it is my fault.<br> ~ The past always repeats itself.<br> ~ If it was true then, it must be true now.</div> <div>Evaluate how thinking errors can play into our basic fears: Rejection, isolation, the unknown, loss of control, failure</div> <div>Irrational Thoughts Quick Help<br> ~ What is upsetting me?<br> ~ Why is this upsetting me?<br> ~ What are the FACTS for and against this belief<br> ~ Am I reacting based on facts or feelings?<br> ~ What cognitive distortions am I using?<br> ~ What irrational thoughts am I using?</div> <div>ABC-DEF<br> ~ Activating Event (What happened)<br> ~ Beliefs<br> ~ Obvious<br> ~ Negative self-talk//Past tapes<br> ~ Consequences<br> ~ Dispute Irrational Thoughts<br> ~ Evaluate the Most Productive Outcome<br> ~ Is this worth my energy?<br> ~ How can I best use my energy to deal with or let go of the situation?<br> Constructive Self Talk<br> ~ Use self-talk constructively to challenge that statement. An effective challenge will make you feel better (less tense, anxious, panicky)<br> ~ What is the evidence<br> ~ What is so awful </div>