185 -Common Co-Occurring Issues

Counselor Toolbox Podcast show

Summary: <p>Common Co-Occurring Issues: Exploring the interaction between mental health, physical health and addiction<br> Instructor: Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes<br> Executive Director: AllCEUs.com, Counselor Education and Training<br> Podcast Host: Counselor Toolbox &amp; Happiness Isn’t Brain Surgery<br> Objectives<br> ~ Review what a healthy person needs<br> ~ Review how different addictions may cause or be caused by<br> ~ Mood disorders<br> ~ Physical health issues<br> What Does a Healthy Person Need<br> ~ Nutrition<br> ~ Sleep<br> ~ Pain control<br> ~ Access to regular medical care<br> ~ Prevention<br> ~ Early intervention<br> ~ Social Support<br> ~ Safe housing<br> Why do I care about co-occurring issues?<br> ~ 35% of people with anxiety disorders have abused opiates<br> ~ Of opiate or alcohol dependent patients, 20% have major depressive disorder<br> ~ Depression in opioid dependent patients (including pain management) has been associated with poorer physical health, decreased quality of life, increased risk-taking behaviors and suicidality<br> ~ Prevalence and severity of depression tend to decline within the first few weeks after treatment initiation<br> ~ Withdrawal from depressants (including alcohol), opioids, and stimulants invariably includes potent anxiety symptoms.<br> ~ Many people with substance use disorders may exhibit symptoms of depression that fade over time and that are related to acute withdrawal.<br> Mental Health: Chicken or Egg<br> ~ Depression &amp; Anxiety<br> ~ Associated with addiction because…<br> ~ Stimulant withdrawal/recovery / depression<br> ~ Stimulant use<br> ~ “Medicate” depression<br> ~ Causes anxiety<br> ~ Alcohol/opiate use<br> ~ Numb/forget: Deal with physical pain<br> ~ Detox from opiates /depression<br> ~ Detox from alcohol /anxiety<br> ~ Life circumstances as the result of addiction</p> <p>Mental Health: Chicken or Egg<br> ~ Bipolar disorder<br> ~ Triggered by drug use<br> ~ More common for people with bipolar to use:<br> ~ Stimulants when depressed<br> ~ Anything when manic<br> ~ ADHD<br> ~ Self medication<br> ~ Disrupted neurotransmitters after use<br> Mental Health: Chicken or Egg<br> ~ Borderline Personality<br> ~ More likely to use addictions to cope with lack of a sense of self and emotional lability<br> ~ Antisocial Personality<br> ~ May use addictions for the high or stimulation</p> <p>Alcoholism<br> ~ Eating disorders (especially bulimia and binge eating disorder)<br> ~ Nutritional deficiencies which can cause mood issues<br> ~ Physical exhaustion which can disrupt sleep<br> ~ Depression as a result of use<br> ~ Depressant effects<br> ~ Neurochemical imbalances<br> ~ Sleep disruption<br> ~ Anxiety<br> ~ As a result of use<br> ~ Neurochemical imbalances</p> <p>Nicotine<br> ~ Mental Health<br> ~ Anxiety and Depression<br> ~ 70% more likely in smokers<br> ~ Nicotine triggers dopamine release<br> ~ Blood vessel changes can mimic depression related fatigue/confusion<br> ~ SPMI 2-3 times more likely than the general population to use nicotine<br> ~ ADHD (increases in concentration and attention—short lived)<br> ~ Physical Health<br> ~ COPD /Emphysema<br> ~ Lung cancer<br> ~ Stroke (smoking narrows blood vessels increasing BP and reducing circulation)</p> <p>Opiate Abuse<br> ~ Physical<br> ~ Blood and injection site infections<br> ~ Collapsed veins (stroke, dementia)<br> ~ Endocarditis<br> ~ Hepatitis (pain, disability)<br> ~ HIV (depression, anxiety, medication side effects)<br> ~ Liver damage from acetaminophen<br> ~ Decreased pain tolerance (depression, disrupted sleep)<br> ~ Mental Health<br> ~ Depression &amp; Anxiety<br> ~ Used in some trials to treat depression<br> ~ Can cause depressive symptoms due to pharmacological properties<br> ~ Serves to reduce anxiety and increase energy in some</p> <p>Eating Disorders<br> ~ Commonly co-oc</p>