The rules of the game part 6 with Behind the Lines on PBN

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: The rules of the game part 6!  Host: Allen Getz "Behind the Headlines"   on American Preppers Radio! Mondays 9:00pm/Est  6:00pm/Pt Listen and Chat go to: For this week’s broadcast of Behind the Lines, we continue the examination of the premier activist ‘how-to’ book. While last week emphasizes the list of talents/traits necessary for these activists, this episode focuses upon the skill that takes precedent. We focus on this prerequisite for ‘organizers’ and probe the importance of this talent. This characteristic receives in-depth scrutiny because of its preeminence and significance. The title for Chapter 5 of ‘Rules for Radicals’ unveils Mr. Alinsky’s opinion regarding the fundamental quality of a successful organizer – ‘Communication’. The chapter contains his viewpoints regarding its necessity and effectiveness... Read More! Join our chat HERE! Tags: American Preppers Network, Prepper Broadcasting