Nick Nice: Pod-a-licious show

Summary: A unique mix for kids that adults will enjoy too. So in addition to dj'ing a ton I have been babysitting my 2 nieces quite a bit. They're 2 1/2 and 1 year old and after hearing Barney's annoying drivel one time too many I decided to take action. I put together an odd selection of music and dialogue from my childhood as well as things that were just outright bizarre from well before my time. I wanted to make something that children would enjoy but adults would dig as well either from the irony or grooviness of the songs.From Johnny Cash with Oscar the Grouch to Mr. Rogers to the Pointer Sisters to Carole King to Helen Reddy to Bert & Ernie and lots of the Sesame Street crew. This selection has it all. If you have a kid I'm sure they'll dig it, my nieces loved it with the older one dancing around to many of the songs. And they now hate Barney! Frobble is a generic term for plastic bits and pieces of toys. It seemed perfect for all the musical scraps that I used to make this mix. It's by far the oddest mix I have put together ever. All of the selections are from original children's vinyl many of which I listened to as a kid. Sesame Street had some amazing guests on the show in the 70's, it's a shame they're so hard to find. Hope you enjoy it! 75 minute non-stop live mix.