Celebrate 50 years of radio

Radio America show

Summary: I would like to take this time to thank every one for listening to Radio America We have been on podomatic now for 1 year and a few weeks. We have just surpassed 210,000 downloads. And we truly want to thank everyone , to celebrate our 1 year anniversary and download. We are offering a special if you buy 3 cds you get the 4th free, that a total of 200 shows for $15.00 which includes shipping clickhere Visit the Radio America Store web site.Buy your 50 mp3 for &5.00 please include on the special msg on order that you are coming from podomatic. Again Thanks for making Radio America # 1 in Comedy for this long Thanks Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and/or video signals (programs) to a number of recipients ("listeners" or "viewers") that belong to a large group. This group may be the public in general, or a relatively large audience within the public. Thus, an Internet channel may distribute text or music world-wide, while a public address system in (for example) a workplace may broadcast very limited ad hoc soundbites to a small population within its range. The sequencing of content in a broadcast is called a schedule. With all technological endevours a number of technical terms and slang are developed please see the list of broadcasting terms for a glossary of terms used. Television and radio programs are distributed through radio broadcasting or cable, often both simultaneously. By coding signals and having decoding equipment in homes, the latter also enables subscription-based channels and pay-per-view services. A broadcasting organisation may broadcast several programs at the same time, through several channels (frequencies), for example BBC One and Two. On the other hand, two or more organisations may share a channel and each use it during a fixed part of the day. Digital radio and digital television may also transmit multiplexed programming, with several channels compressed into one ensemble. When broadcasting is done via the Internet the term webcasting is often used. In 2004 a new phenomenon occurred when a number of technologies combined to produce Podcasting. Podcasting is an asynchronous broadcast/narrowcast medium. One of the main proponents being Adam Curry and his associates the Podshow. Broadcasting forms a very large segment of the mass media. Broadcasting to a very narrow range of audience is called narrowcasting. The term "broadcast" was coined by early radio engineers from the midwestern United States. "Broadcasting", in farming, is one method of spreading seed using a wide toss of the hand, in a broad cast.