Leonard Lopate at Large – Wed July 18 – Christian Viveros-Fauné on the History of Political Art


Summary: <p>Leonard’s Guest today is  Christian Viveros-Fauné in a conversation with Leonard on the history of political art.</p> <p></p><div id="attachment_4823" style="width: 212px;" class="wp-caption alignright"> <img class="size-medium wp-image-4823" src="https://i1.wp.com/robinhoodradioondemand.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/MG_0059.jpg?resize=202%2C300&amp;ssl=1" alt="" width="202" height="300"><p class="wp-caption-text">Christian Viveros-Faune.<br>Image: Courtesy of Christian Viveros-Faune</p> </div> <p>For more than 20 years, Christian Viveros-Fauné has been an outspoken voice in the New York City art scene. The prolific critic, curator and former art dealer has had his writing published in Art in America, Newsweek and The New Yorker.</p> <p>In his upcoming book, “Social Forms: A Short History of Political Art” scheduled for release from David Zwirner Books in the fall, Christian examines the role of socially conscious art in this unprecedented moment in American politics.</p> <p>In this episode of “Leonard Lopate at Large,” Christian talks about the book and tells Leonard about the state of political art in 2018.</p> <p><a href="http://www.robinhoodradio.com/donate.html"><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-4060" src="https://i1.wp.com/robinhoodradioondemand.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/make-a-donation.jpg?resize=244%2C36&amp;ssl=1" alt="" width="244" height="36"></a></p>