Episode 6 Return of the Alpha...bet

All Men Can Podcast show

Summary: FINALLY! Some expert advice on what #AllMenCan actually do to be more respectful and make the community a safer place. Ant and Damien would like everybody to quietly sit down on the rug as they run through OurWatch.org.au's "Know Your A-Z: Preventing violence against women". Oh, and they have some special guest presenters this time too! How can you prevent violence against women? You don’t have to be an expert to prevent violence against women – we all have a role to play. The new Know your A-Z tool from Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria and Our Watch shows how easy it is for all of us to prevent violence against women just by doing simple, everyday things to challenge gender stereotypes and promote respect. Know your A-Z offers a different prevention action for every letter of the alphabet. Download the poster and other resources to share the prevention message with your friends, colleagues and networks. https://www.ourwatch.org.au/What-We-Do/Know-Your-A-Z-%E2%80%93-Preventing-Violence-Against-Women