Ep 25: The Unknown Victim from Yellow House Canyon

All Crime No Cattle - A Texas True Crime Podcast show

Summary: In 1994, unidentified skeletal remains are discovered in Yellow House Canyon near Lubbock, Texas. How do scientists and investigators estimate descriptors like age and sex in order to identify a victim? In this episode, Erin will discuss all this and more as she gets to describe her very favorite thing: bones! We will talk about the methodologies involved in identifying skeletal remains and the unsung heroes who use them. And always remember: crime is bigger in Texas, y'all.<br><br>Donate to Texas Equusearch on their website <strong>www.texasequusearch.org. </strong><br>Visit our new merch shop: <strong>allcrimenocattle.threadless.com</strong>. Find us on Twitter: <strong>@ACNCpodcast</strong> and on Instagram: <strong>@allcrimenocattle</strong>. Tip Jar: <strong>paypal.me/allcrimenocattle</strong>