A Tropical Breeze: a short story for kids 

Be Calm on Ahway Island Bedtime Stories show

Summary: Today’s Story (EP48): A Tropical Breeze: a short story for kids<br> In this relaxing short story for kids, Paulina the palm tree enjoys the breeze. As it grows stronger she shelters her friend Freeda frog.<br> Today’s Guided Meditation:<br> Relax in the grass as you imagine sunlight warming you from head to toe.<br> Story Excerpt:<br> The cozy sunbeam brightened Paulina’s branches. The little palm tree looked out at the ocean and watched as the warm tropical sun’s light sparkled and danced on the waves. She sighed, happily. What a lovely day! The sky was a bright blue dotted with fluffy cotton ball-like clouds. Off in the distance, where the sea met the sky, the sea was a deep, deep blue. As the sea stretched towards the shore, it gradually changed to be a lighter and greener blue. From that blue-green, it changed into a shade of aqua. Until finally, crashing upon the shore, the sea was as clear as the water in the glasses of the people sitting on the beach. Paulina loved to listen to the sound of the waves as they rolled in and out. She loved to watch as the sea smoothed out the sand and erased all the footprints.<br> Social Media: Please follow us on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ahwayisland/">Facebook</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/AhwayIsland">Twitter.</a><br> Be Calm on Ahway Island offers original short stories for kids. Each story contains a time for guided meditation as well as a positive message we hope you and your kids will enjoy.  We are a listener-supported podcast, and there are many ways you can help. We would greatly appreciate you making a donation to help us keep going. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring micro donation once a month. Just click on the link below or go to our website, <a href="http://www.ahwayisland.com/">www.ahwayisland.com</a>.<br> <a href="https://www.ahwayisland.com/donate/">Donate Here</a><br> We hope your child loves Be Calm on Ahway Island short stories and if so, we need your positive reviews to help others find us too. It’s fast and easy! Just tap this link: <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cozy-corner-podcast/id1203289615?mt=2&amp;ign-mpt=uo%253D4">review here</a>, then tap the “view in iTunes” button, tap “ratings and reviews,” and leave your <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cozy-corner-podcast/id1203289615?mt=2&amp;ign-mpt=uo%253D4">review here</a>.<br> <br> Thank you!  If you enjoyed "A Tropical Breeze", here's another popular episode your sure to enjoy <a href="https://www.ahwayisland.com/flyingfriends/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Flying Friends</a>.