China may be about to repeat the financial mistakes of Japan in the 1980s

Asia's Developing Future show

Summary: China’s financial system is developing rapidly, swelling the country’s bank assets to become the largest in the world, and there are worrying similarities with the global dominance of Japan’s banks in the late 1980s. Japan’s experience ended in tears with the bursting of a domestic and international financial and real asset bubble, heralding the economy’s descent into on-and-off recessions for the next 3 decades and stubborn deflation. Research done for the Asian Development Bank Institute found that, despite the rapid development of capital markets since the 1990s, China’s financial system continues to be dominated by bank lending. Read the transcript Read the working paper About the authors Damian Tobin is a lecturer on Chinese business and management at the School of Finance and Management, SOAS University of London. Ulrich Volz is head of the Department of Economics at the same institution. Know more about ADBI’s work on the People’s Republic of China’s financial system: