The McSting and Magic Numbers

The Daily Dive show

Summary: Today is all about fast food. The first is how we all got scammed and the second is about that fast food magic number.  Do you remember playing the McDonald’s Monopoly game?  You’d buy a meal and paper Monopoly game pieces either helped you get Park Place and Boardwalk, sometimes they were just instant wins for a free order of fries. Journalist Jeff Maysh joins us to tell us the story of how an ex-cop rigged the McDonald’s Monopoly game and stole millions!  The story includes mobsters, strip club owners, drug traffickers, one tenacious FBI agent and the anonymous tip that brought the whole scheme down. Next, how much are you willing to spend on fast food?  There is a magic number that works for both consumers and fast food companies.  You may have seen all the latest deals popping up… They are all $5. Zlati Meyer, money reporter for USA Today joins us to talk about the sweet spot that keeps you coming back for more. It’s all about getting a great value, but there is also a psychological component.