Meredith Weintraub of The Rachael Ray Show – Moments and Aspirations – Thursday

Moms Got This show

Summary: Educating daughters to deal with sexism, wanting and supporting kids to find their passions, find their own way, and live the life they want, being more present with kids at home and thinking about work less, when mom almost loses it and needs a "time out", talking to your own mom every day, meditation, and -- just breathe.  Meredith Weintraub, Co-Executive Producer of "The Rachael Ray Show", shares her special mom moments and aspirations for her kids and herself with hosts Stacy Igel and Michelle Park.<br> Presented by Keepsake Frames. Print, frame your photos easily and fast from your phone – handmade in the USA and delivered with free shipping. Use discount code #MOMSGOTTHIS at for 30% off first order.<br> In this episode:<br> <br> Michelle on when somebody says something sexist – and the goal to be educating girls and young women on dealing with these situations, how you deal with sexism, maybe Michelle isn't not speaking up enough and scared to say something<br> Michelle's aspiration for daughter balance between not getting upset and speaking up for herself and others, and considering how to teach her<br> Meredith Weintraub reflects on looking toward the future for her kids, wanting them to live the life they want to live<br> Letting her kids sample a bunch of things, and giving them room to weed out what they don’t like, and decide what they have passion for, find their own way, not pushing them in a specific direction<br> Meredith on how her son loves fantasy football with adults<br> Not being reactive to each thing the kids like while being supportive.<br> Meredith keeps challenging herself to make every episode of the Rachael Ray Show better, grow herself, and a goal to develop some of her own content<br> With kids, wanting to be more present -- Meredith tends to have her mind on other things when she is with her kids<br> Work is not urgent or an emergency usually when she's home, she can put work down, but tough to turn brain off, so she's starting to meditate<br> The times you almost lose it, especially when kids aren’t getting ready and how it all becomes like dominoes falling<br> When Mom needs a “time out” to gather herself<br> Meredith on talking with her own mom on the way to work every day,  how ut calms her down,<br> And – Just Breathe<br> <br> To share your #MOMSGOTTHIS MOMENT just call 833-844-THIS-MOM (833-844-7666) and leave a voicemail with your first name and city along with your moment.