Occupy Wall Street: Opportunity Lost?

Blamestorming show

Summary: This week on Blamestorming Dave Sirus and Maryssa Smith welcome Wendi Starling of Jammerz Podcast and Tim Warner. Why is Dave pants-less? Why can we have cookies or bagged snacks on the show? Tim Warner reminisces about Occupy Wall Street. Did Occupy squander it's good will? Was the lack of leadership the catalyst of it's demise? Are we beginning to see negative effects Trump policies are having on the economy? Who is Q-Anon? Could they be right? <br><br>Check out Wendi Starling on Jammerz <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/get-vodka-back-in-our-schools/id1230696453?i=1000384813722&amp;mt=2" rel="noopener">https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/get-vodka-back-in-our-schools/id1230696453?i=1000384813722&amp;mt=2</a><br><br>If you enjoy the show please rate, review and subscribe! <br><br>Follow us on Twitter!<br>@theblamestorm @DaveSirus @MaryssaSmith