SSP 107. Drug-Free Breakthrough

The Smarter Sculpted Physique: Training | Nutrition | Muscle Gain | Fat Loss show

Summary: ------------------------------<br> ♦ Drug-Free Breakthrough ♦<br> ------------------------------<br> So you want to cure cancer, autism, reverse the aging process, and regrow amputated limbs, all by just using drug-free, natural ingredients? Well, here it is.<br> <br> ♦ The Worst of the Wild Wild Web ♦<br> <br> • A recent drug-free “miracle cure” claims to cure cancer, autism, reverse the aging process, and regrow amputated limbs. Scott immediately goes off on the ridiculousness of it all.<br> <br> • The "cure" appeared on a renowned talk show and over the internet. It involves using only natural ingredients, but in a way that is really harmful (e.g. drinking gallons of salt water.)<br> <br> • To lure people in, it is marketed as a drug-free way to achieve health and wellness.<br> <br> • The miracle protocol causes explosive diarrhea and other unpleasant side effects like nausea and dizziness, which are explained as healing symptoms.<br> <br> • This harmful protocol preys on desperate, sick people. Not unlike taking advantage of the elderly.<br> <br> • The inventor dismisses any negative reaction by the medical and scientific community as a conspiracy. Unsurprisingly, this person advocating this miracle cure has no scientific or medical training.<br> <br> • Scott refuses to use the name of the person or the “miracle” product to prevent any further publicity; he does talk about it to promote awareness.<br> <br> • A popular talk show host recently featured this person as a guest, which only serves as an endorsement.<br> <br> • Any publicity for a scam is harmful. Some people will believe anything.<br> <br> • Part of this inventor's large following on the web comes from others exposing the dangerous concoction and wild claims.<br> <br> • “A LIE can run around the world before the TRUTH puts on its shoes.”<br> <br> ♦ You may be interested in...<br> <br> The Cycle Diet Book<br><br> <br> The Cycle Diet Complete Course<br><br> <br> Metabolic Damage and the Dangers of Dieting<br><br> <br> Beyond Metabolism<br><br> <br> Permanent Weight Loss<br><br> <br> ---------------------------<br> Follow Coach Scott Abel<br> ---------------------------<br> Main Website<br><br> <br> Facebook<br><br> <br> YouTube<br><br> <br> Instagram<br><br> <br> Twitter<br><br>