Question 36 // What’s it like being married to a creative when you aren’t one? (feat. Amanda Nephew)

Rob Morgan Is A Curious Person show

Summary: Amanda Nephew is a licensed marriage and family therapist that just so happens to be married to one of my closest friends, Jasper Nephew. What advice does she have for anyone in a relationship with someone who functions differently than you do? Why is trust the most important thing for an abstract thinking person? Does vagueness in a relationship always produce anxiety? This week, Amanda sits down with Rob over drinks to answer these questions and more. Recording Location: Jasper & Amanda’s Backyard Deck GUEST LINKS: Amanda Nephew Therapy Services: ------------------------------ Call The Official Podcast Hotline: (612) 584-9330 Visit Recording Locations: Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe via RSS: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: ------------------------------ We’re so glad we don’t have to deal with sponsors: