Episode 39: Organizing Technical Conferences

Tech Done Right show

Summary: <h2>Organizing Technical Conferences</h2> <p>TableXI is now offering training for developers and products teams! For more info, go to <a href="http://tablexi.com/workshops" rel="nofollow">http://tablexi.com/workshops</a>.</p> <p><a href="https://stickynote.game" rel="nofollow">Get your <em>FREE</em> career growth strategy information and techniques!</a> </p> <h2>Summary</h2> <p>I've been attending technical conferences for years, and I've always wondered about the hidden challenges involved in putting a conference together. In this show, four of the best conference organizers I know join me to share their secrets and stories. Marty Haught, organizer of many conferences including RubyConf and RailsConf, Jen Remsik and Jim Remsik, who organize the Madison+ family of conferences, and Leah Silber, who organizes EmberConf and RustConf. Learn about budgets, picking talks, and managing facilities and vendors.</p> <h2>Guests</h2> <ul> <li> <a href="https://twitter.com/mghaught" rel="nofollow">Marty Haught</a>: President at <a href="https://haughtcodeworks.com/" rel="nofollow">Haught Codeworks</a>, <a href="http://rubycentral.org/" rel="nofollow">Director at Ruby Central</a> organizing RailsConf and RubyConf </li> <li> <a href="https://twitter.com/jenremsik" rel="nofollow">Jen Remsik</a>: Director of People Operations at <a href="https://adorable.io/" rel="nofollow">Adorable.io</a>, Organizer of <a href="https://twitter.com/madisonruby" rel="nofollow">Madison Ruby</a> </li> <li> <a href="https://twitter.com/jremsikjr" rel="nofollow">Jim Remsik</a>: President of <a href="https://adorable.io/" rel="nofollow">Adorable.io</a>, Organizer of <a href="https://twitter.com/madisonruby" rel="nofollow">Madison Ruby</a>. </li> <li> <a href="https://twitter.com/wifelette" rel="nofollow">Leah Silber</a>: CEO at <a href="http://www.tilde.io/" rel="nofollow">Tilde Inc.</a>. <a href="https://emberconf.com/" rel="nofollow">EmberConf</a>, <a href="http://rustconf.com/" rel="nofollow">RustConf</a>, and <a href="https://railsconf.com/" rel="nofollow">RailsConf</a> Organizer. Author of <a href="https://leanpub.com/eventdriven" rel="nofollow">Event Driven: How to Run Memorable Tech Conferences</a>. </li> </ul> <h2>Notes</h2> <p>03:12 - Getting Things Right and Having Empathy for Attendees</p> <p>11:16 - Budgetary Aspects</p> <p>14:53 - Planning Conferences in Other Cities</p> <p>18:22 - Putting the Program Together and Selection Processes</p> <p>29:25 - Crafting a Conference Proposal</p> <p>31:12 - Encouraging and Enabling Attendee Interaction</p> <p>40:03 - Conference Mentorship</p> <p>41:26 - Words of Advice</p><p>Special Guests: Jen Remsik, Jim Resmsik, Leah Silber, and Marty Haught.</p>