Price's Law: Why Only A Few People Generate Half Of The Results

The Darius Foroux Show: Master Your Productivity. Master Your Life. show

Summary: Derek Price, who was a British physicist, historian of science, and information scientist, discovered something about his peers in academia. He noticed that there were always a handful of people who dominated the publications within a subject. Price found out the following (now called Price’s law): 50% of the work is done by the square root of the total number of people participate in the work. I’ve noticed the same ratio everywhere I’ve worked. On this episode, I talk about how we can use Price’s Law to improve our career. Read the article: Book I Mention: 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson: You can also read it on Blinkist: (20% off for listeners): P.S. Do you want to get my best productivity tips for free? I’ve made an eBook with 5 tips, exercises, and video training, that you can use to get immediate results. Curious? Get the book for free: