#28: The (first) Wedding Issue

The Legion Clubhouse show

Summary: The Legion of Super-Heroes are getting married, and that is causing a lot of problems with membership rules. Also, that’s not how devolution works. Plus, a Stan Lee burn? In the city of Metropolis, in the 30th Century, there exists one of the most amazing clubs of all time! Its members are teen-aged youths, each possessing on special super-powers! The club members have vowed to use their fantastic power to battle crime… This rocket-shaped building is the Legion Clubhouse! Show your thanks to Major Spoilers for this episode by becoming a Major Spoilers Patron. It will help ensure The Major Spoilers Podcast continues far into the future! Adventure Comics #337 The Weddings That Wrecked The Legion! October 1965 w: Edmond Hamilton a: John Forte A double Legion wedding leaves the team short-handed, but are their new recruits Legion material? Adventure Comics #338 The Menace Of The Sinister Super-Babies! November 1965 w: Jerry Siegel a: John Forte The Time Trapper strikes! But can a pre-school age Legion defend the galaxy?