Car Seat Safety – Episode 2

ParentCast: New Parents | New Babies | New Adventures | A New Kind Of Crazy show

Summary: Hosts Mary and Blake discuss Car Seat Safety with the leading Car Seat Safety Expert in Rhode Island, Dina Morrissey. Learn why placing your child correctly in a car seat is a lot harder than you think, why Mary and Blake aren't fit to have a child in their home, and why a having a Tuba in your car is NEVER a good idea. Enjoy! Subscribe: (AAC) | Download (.mp3) | Like Us On Facebook (To download, click the link to load page, then select File - Save Page As...from your menubar to save to your computer.) Show Notes: Interview with Dina Morrissey, Program Coordinator, Injury Coalition for Kids of Providence. 75% of car seats are installed incorrectly What is the difference between a bucket seat and a convertible car seat? What should a grandparent or someone who occasionally drives the child around purchase? Do we always have to purchase a new car seat, or can we borrow one from friend or family, or purchase one online - like through craigslist? Do car seats expire? What is the latch system, and what is the difference between that and the seatbelt? What is the most common mistakes parents are making when installing car seats? Where can people get their seats properly installed? Are there any laws in RI about car seat safety? How tight do we need to make the straps? If you get in a minor car accident, does insurance will pay for a new car seat? What items can be used in addition to the car seat? Why are children and babies not allowed to wear winter coats in car seats? What is the safest backseat position for the car seat? Behind the driver, passenger middle? What kind of routine maintenance should be done with car seats? Can we turn our baby around when he turns two, or do we need to wait for a certain height or weight in addition to the age? What should parents be looking for when they are shopping around for a seat? Mary's Parent a Pick is a Wrapeaze Poncho. Click here for the Wrapeaze Giveaway.