Off Grid Air-Conditioning with Micheal Kline on Reality Check

The Prepper Broadcasting Network show

Summary: Off Grid Air-Conditioning! Host: Micheal Kline "Reality Check" on Prepper Broadcasting aka American Preppers Radio! Fridays 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: This week we are talking about off grid cooling. The ideal solution is to have enough solar or wind power that you can run a window unit or potable AC unit. However, we don’t all have that option. So this week we will be talking about some alternate cooling ideas that can be used in a grid-down scenario and are really cheap. Why do this? Because being grind down in the summer is going to suck. Anyone living in the summer heat and humidity that has had an air conditioner break knows what I am talking about. That AC stops working and your quality of life drops fast. We will talk about some of the ancient ideas of using fans, airflow, and evaporative cooling. Believe it or not but the Egyptians and roman had forms of air-conditioning where they both would hand wet sheets in a doorway in order to make use of the effect of evaporative cooling. The Romans went a step further and had cool water circulating through their walls in order to cool the homes... MORE! Joins us in our Chat Room HERE!  Tags: American Preppers Radio, Prepper Broadcasting, Reality Check, Preparedness